Deborah Duarri: “People focus so much on the disease that they only create resistance to improvement”


Passionate about their work, Deborah Duarri and Fernando Bernal run the clinic “Vida Sana” (Healthy Life) in San Pedro de Alcántara, from which they assist their patients individually. They love what they do and it shows in every step you take through the center and the way in which they treat their visitors. They are specialized in quantum kinesiology, biodescodification, osteopathy, lymphatic massage and flower remedies among others.

Holism focuses on making a comprehensive study of the person and it can be summarized with the words of Aristotle, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” How does this statement influence your work?:

Fernando Bernal: Aristotle’s recommendation regarding the holistic approach is fundamental to our professional approach, because it leads us to intensify our focus on the whole and also pay attention to the parts that make it up. Thus, we want to know what happens to our client and also, why it happens to them.

Can the same disease affect each person differently?:

F.B: Definitely. We understand that every human being is individual and different in their qualities and emotional, biochemical, structural and cultural characteristics and therefore their immune responses and strategies.

Deborah Duarri: Each person is different and should be treated as a unique individual, despite having a similar physiology and anatomy.

How do you carry out a patient’s personal study?:

D.D: First, we ask about their medical history, injuries, allergies, medications they consume … and we conduct a visual examination. We use kinesiology, Reiki … We explore the emotional and mental side, aside from the physical.

Another field which you work on are flower essences, different from medicinal plants. What are the differences between these two types of treatments?:

F.B: Medicinal plants in their ancestral uses were utilized to extract active ingredients from them, useful as remedies to heal certain ailments and are rooted in almost all human cultures. Flower essences, on the other hand, to our knowledge, use quantum fractions of what quantum physics calls “quantum information,” which makes up a part that is not molecular nor energetic, but contains elements of great healing power and efficiency which, additionally, contain no toxic or hazardous elements.

We have created our own system of flower remedies called “Healthy Life Subtle Quantum Flower Remedies” that is extremely efficient and collects the healing qualities of over eighty flowers and plants of the Costa Del Sol.

Many of these treatments are associated with what is known as homeopathy which many people put into question. What advantages does it have?:

F.B: Ignorance and economic interests are some of the elements that appear more frequently in people who discredit homeopathy. Its use carries no risks because it contains no active ingredients and its composition is limited to the molecular or subatomic, so what the body receives is information and not chemical compounds. It is also noted to be very effective in helping children, pets and plants and strengthen the immune system. It also has low production cost, although in Spain this phenomenon is not reflected in sales prices.

Could we treat any disease with homeopathic products?:

F.B: In principle, yes. There are several thousand different strains available, to be applied individually or in combination. With both approaches the therapeutic possibilities are enormous as its efficiency.

D.D: Medicine and technology advance by leaps and bounds. Why limit ourselves to just one thing? We must use all the remedies at our disposal. And if you have to combine, why not? Every ailment and every person is a world. You can not generalize.

Reiki is very focused on the spiritual path. Could you say it rather helps the mind than the body?:

D.D: A Reiki transmitter is like a hollow tree through which energy can flow. But it takes two for it to work. The patient should be open to it. What the energy does is it allows the patient to be in a state of non-resistance and thus, it allows emotional, mental and physical improvement. For someone to improve their physical, emotional or mental state, they must want to do it. That’s what I mean by putting yourself in a situation or path of no resistance. People focus so much on the disease, on what they don’t want, that they only create a negative energy frequency and resistance to improvement.

Are prevention and strengthening the key factors to avoid resorting to stronger treatments?:

F.B: This reasoning is very much in tune with some of the essential elements of alternative therapies and neuropathy. Moreover, almost all human cultures have come to say something along the lines of it’s better to prevent than to treat.

D.D.: It is about loving oneself so much that you only accept in your body, your thoughts, your emotions, what is good and healthy for you. “The approach is everything in life.” We can choose how to feel, how to live, what to think. It is in us.


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