The latest in decoration, flowers on Christmas trees


Nothing and no one today can stay out of the dictates of fashion. Christmas decorations in our homes are no exception and their star figure, the Christmas tree, is the more virulent in experiencing the vagaries of trends. To be trendy this 2015, you would have to decorate it with flowers to give it “more energy, freshness, liveliness and color.” Or at least that is what those who know more on the subject say…

Getting the Christmas tree out of the box, attaching the traditional lights, baubles and a star crowning the top, it’s all long gone. Each year long rivers of ink flow, describing the trends to follow when decorating the Christmas tree. It is basically about introducing minor changes and modifications to what we all consider “traditional.”

First, before going into the floral world, we will point out the main trends of this year. One of the most important revolves around the French style. Both the trees and the decorative elements seek to create a romantic, delicate and elegant atmosphere. This means the rule of pastel colors, discreet gold, aqua-green tones, pearl tones and particularly, shades in white gold.

Another of the most prominent trends is to move the color palette from the greenhouse to the Christmas tree, shamelessly using autumnal tones, ranges of green, especially the bottle green, even going as far as using ranges of pink. Alongside these colors there should be glass beads that mimic the plumage of birds.

But if you want to be ultimately chic and turn your living room into the trendiest one in your neighborhood, flowers are the very latest trend. Anything goes in this field: natural flowers, artificial, monochromatic, with several shades, etc. There is no uniformity in managing this classic decorative resource. Everything depends on the concept and color chosen, but the most common colors are white, red, pink and blue. The introduction of flowers does not exclude the use of other conventional elements such as lights or tinsel.

Sizes are not predefined, either. The trend is clear and groundbreaking: flowers everywhere. Besides, this form of “floral tree” is one of the “coolest” trend when talking about decor, which is none other than one of crafting it by oneself, also known as “I do both the cooking and the eating,” or as a blogger with overflowing style would say, a DIY (Do It Yourself).


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