The Pollera is the country’s traditional dress that has evolved in history, shapes, fabrics and colors through the years
The history and culture of Panama, like other countries, is also represented in its wardrobe which, just as society, evolves over the years and the lives of its inhabitants.
The Pollera, the traditional dress of Panama, oozes splendor and color. Handmade, these dresses are usually embroidered and laced. Those are traditional techniques thanks to which no dress is like another and can be customized.
In fact, it is due to this fact that the Pollera has evolved and diversified in fabrics, colors and types according to use and location.
Types of Pollera
- De gala sin labor (Gala with no openwork): With several white fabrics and embroidery in white.
- De tela bordada (Embroidered cloth): cloth embroidered with flowers or spots among others.
- Montuna: Among the most prominent. With much embroidery and many details.
- De gala con labor zurcida (Gala with openwork darning): with flashy and colorful embroidery and darning.
- De gala con labor sombreada (Gala with shaded openwork): With many shades. It is among the most modern.
- De labor marcada (With pronounced openwork): With geometric designs in cross stitch.
- Penaconfusa: in gray and black for mourning.
- Faena: With soft fabrics suitable for work.