Tips for taking care of your skin at the beach


LookOut reveals the essential tricks to enjoy a holiday destination by the beach.

Have you already planned your summer holidays? Your destination is the beach? When summer begins and the temperature rises, we tend to use lighter garments, which make our skin more exposed to the sun. It is essential to use a good sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when we are on the beach as the sun exposure is even higher. We cannot forget to reapply sunscreen after swimming and every two hours, after this time, the skin absorbs it and it feels like wearing nothing at all.

When we spend a long day in the sun and we do not protect the skin, we are drying, suffering sunburns, stains and photo aging the skin. In addition, it is recommended to avoid sun exposure from 12.00 pm until 4.00 pm to avoid skin sunburn, insolation or low blood pressure.

If your holiday destination is the beach, you should take care of your skin by following these tips: –

  1. The skin becomes dryer in summer than in winter due to high temperatures, chlorine water or sea saltpetre. Therefore, it is so important to stay well hydrated. Every day apply a good layer of moisturizer or after sun cream in the morning and evening without skipping a single day.
  2. Moisturize your skin from within. How? Drinking lots of water is a must in summer. The more water we drink, the more moisturize our skin will be; avoiding dry, scaling or any skin irritation.
  3. If your skin feels like it has been burned at the beach, avoid calming the heat with cold water from the tap as it contains a lot of lime, which irritate your skin. Instead, you could use cotton cloth soaked in a mild cleansing lotion without alcohol or fresh thermal water from the fridge.
  4. For the itching sensation, it is recommended to apply a yoghourt or chilled crushed tomato. In the following dates, avoid sunbathing in order to prevent peeling and apply moisturizer constantly. The best way to relieve sunburn is pure aloe vera or rosehip oil. In case that the burn is severe, it is advisable to go immediately to a dermatologist.

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