Planes and AVE’s customers grow up to 4.7% and 10.7% until February


The amount of travellers that chose the plane to travel inside the country increased up to 6.5% the second month of the year, compared to the same month last 2014. At the same time,  train’s customers were reduced up to 0.5% in spite of the 10.7% more registered at the AVE, according to the last report from the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) Statistics National Institute.

To be precise, up to 1.9 million of customers travelled by air last February, meanwhile 46.9 million prefered the train.

Talking about trains, those who chose long distances (AVE included) grew up to 10.7% compared to the same month last 2014. However, customers who travelled short distances were reduced to 1.3% as the medium distance customers were increased up to 5.2%.

On the other hand, inter-city bus transport was reduced to 1.7% as the maritime transport decreased reaching 2.3%. On the whole, inter-city transport was reduced to 1%, reaching up to more than 99.9% million travelers.

On the other hand, public transport fell to 0.4% mainly due to the bus 1% drop as the urban bas increased up to 0.6%. Specifically, urban bus has been reduced in every city, except Palma (+0.7%) and Sevilla (+1.7%). Meanwhile, the urban bus transport that registers the biggest drop is in Bilbao (-1.9%) and Sevilla is the one that grows bigger, up to +7.6%.

At the same time, special and discretionary transport fell to 4.3% in February, with more than 41.2 million of passengers. Special transport moved back to 6.6% falling both scholar (-7.2%) as labour (-4.5%), as discretionary recovered up to 3.4%.

Total number of travellers using public transport (urban, inter-city, special and discretionary) reached 1% less compared with February, last 2014, reaching up to 365.2 million of passengers.


Along the year, plane’s customers grew up to 4.7% as long as trains’ customers dropped to 0.9%. To be precise, short distance trains’ customers were reduced to 1.6%, as the medium-distance travelers grew up to 2.2% as well as long distance users, with 10.7% more.

According to maritime transport, it was reduced to 0.3% as bus grew up to 1.4%, with negative results except long distances buses, reaching up to +0.1%.


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