The future of Hotel Marketing: ten new values


Trying to be in advance and talk about the new marketing tendecies, Daniel Newman, Broadsuite Marketing Consultants Founder, has prescribed next new marketing values.

1.- Smarphone: key of marketing:

Mobile phones are in constant evolution: now with Smartphones, Tablets, Wearables… There is no doubt its influence is really strong in marketing. The relation between the client and the smartphone is moving the brand to be even closer than before.

2.-Brand – Clients relationship and transparency:

It’s all about the contents and values given to the client. Most authentic brands will create value and this is why they will be rewarded. So, it is essential to be transparent to set a solid brand-client connection.

3.- Good Contents:

It is quite obvious visual content is the main one in marketing on line. Also, the publications’ speed of every content will be essential to connect with the client and offer what he or she needs.

4.- Content by users:

This will become a very popular value. It is so necessary to impact every client as it depends on them that they write posts and commentaries about the brand through the social media or blogs. It means that they will be able to generate content about the brands. That’s why it’s so important to create a positive impact on them.

5.- Social media and Internet:

Social media is impacting every day more and more. Regarding its potential as a marketing tool, it is quite possible that social media become the unique channel to connect with the clients.

6.- Brands and audience:

As we remarked before, brands will talk directly to its clients. It is about trying to convert them into real protectors of the brand. Marketing efforts will be based on what consumers talk about. So, clients will become “sales department” launching positive messages about the brand.

7.- Brands and “Millenials”:

It is necessary to understand Millenials are not just a Young audience but they are a generation just before another upcoming generation to come. So, it is essential for brands to change their content so they can keep on convincing them.

8.- Brands: product and not services companies:

In spite of a good service is always very important, good brands will be forced to offer innovation. It is not enough just satisfying and keeping the client, but they will have to innovate efficiently, creating values for the clients.

9.- Personal Marketing:

This is a very easy concept to understand. There are two kinds of marketing: data and intrusive marketing. The last one is about the classical marketing, that one which is very intrusive and the client is not wishing. Meanwhile, data marketing is based on building relations, this is the future marketing.

10.- Accurate Analytics tools:

Markeing on line has a good advantage and that is the precision analyzing every data. All the statistics coming from the social media, visits, web sites visited… Everything will be more and more accurate and will bring a very precise reports to take the right decisions.


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