The beauty of the sea turtles


Sea turtles are found mainly in areas of sandy beaches, specifically North America and South America, India, South Africa and Australia. They are animals of all mesures and colours.

Sea turtles’ body is designed for moving nimbly through the water so they do not spend much time outside it. They are really independent and solidary animals, generally, the only moment they spend in group is during the mating and the migration.

There are two different kinds of families of sea turtles: the Chelonii and the Dermochelyidae, according to their shell. It is really difficult to differentiate the sex of the turtles because they are so similar in weight, size and length.

The life cycle of a sea turtle starts when a female turtle lays the eggs in a nesting beach. Once passed between six weeks and two months, depending on the species, hundreds of baby turtles make their way through and get into the water.

This animals can live between 50 and 80 years in wildness but, almost all species of sea turtles are endangered, this is why is very important the protection of their enviroment so they could live all this time.

When and where visit them?

An interesting place to visit sea turtles is at the Mexican Caribbean, the best season runs between the months of May and October, you couldnt miss the opportunity of see how the turtles bury their eggs on the shore of the beaches, in addition to dive in the crystal clear Caribbean waters and swim with them.

In Cancun, Bellevue Beach Paradise Hotel is situated on the edge between the turquoise waters of Mexican Caribbean and the mangroves of the beautiful Nichupte Lagoon, a natural salty water pond, connected with the sea which travels through the 21 km of the hotel zone. The bay is the place chosen by hundreds of large Caribbean turtles to spawn from May to November. The staff and hotel guests plant eggs in a kind of farm on the side of the hotel to protect them from predators like pelicans. This project has earned the Bellevue Beach Paradise hotel the award Zofemat (Federal Maritime and Terrestrial Zone) for preserving the biodiversity.

BlueBay Hotels & Resorts will offer you two great alternative to stay and enjoy this spectacle of nature, and many other interesting activites. In Rivera Maya you can choose between BlueBay Grand Esmeralda and Blue Diamond Riviera Maya, each with its own characteristics that will conquer you.


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