The richness of Yum Balam


North of Cancun, in this protected area hundreds of species of birds and dozens of mammals, including several felines, live endangered.

It is as unknown by tourists from the capital as it is appreciated by the people of the area who work daily to preserve the area and keep it from the crowds of the capital, just a few kilometers away and also within the protected area.

It is estimated that the Protected Area of Flora and Fauna of Yum Balam, a coastal-marine extension of 154,000 hectares, is home to around 400 species of birds and 93 species of mammals, including five wild tropical cats in danger of extinction: the jaguar, puma, ocelot, margay and yaguarundí. Furthermore, it is Biosphere Reserve for the whale shark.

Yum Balam is undoubtedly a rich natural paradise where apparently no human activity has taken its toll. Therefore, local communities are very environment-conscious and work daily for its preservation and sustainable development. Nature is above all. Still, there are limited tours, many of them from Cancun and Riviera Maya, on which you can get information at BlueBay Grand Esmeralda*****.

The Protected Area of Flora and Fauna of Yum Balam comprises the island of Holbox, Yalahau lagoon and wetlands and forests of the northern state of Quintana Roo, as well as the towns of Kantunil Kin, Chiquilá, Holbox, Cabo Catoche, Leona Vicario and Cancún.


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