Corporate Wellbeing


Do you know that?

Fort he World Health Organization (WHO), the physical inactivity is a problem of universal scale, and is ranked as the fourth leading risk factor for all deaths globally, that is to say, 6% of deaths occurred worldwide.

At least 60% of the world population does not do the physical activity needed to obtain health benefits. The regular exercise improves the health and quality of life. But what happens when the problem of physical inactivity is transferred to your work?

In the working order, researches show that physical inactivity increases the frequency of sick leave and absences, which presupposes obstacles to the employee and the company. Physical inactivity is the main enemy to people’s health. Expert estimate that people are sitting an average of 15.5 hours each day, which includes meals, travelling to and from work and sitting in front of the computer. IN TOTAL, EMPLOYEES SPENT SITTING 75% OF THEIR TIME.

The absenteeism is associated with physical inactivity. The leading causes of incapacity to work are respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal and injuries. The absence is higher in women than in men and is directly related to age.

Therefore, the programs promoting physical activity in the work place arises as a STRATEGIC OPTION.

The exercise serves basically to counteract the harmful effects of sedentary lifestyle, the lack of motivation and the alarming stress. It is essential to incorporate a program of regular physical activity at work, which is beneficial to physical, psychological and productivity level.

Regular physical activity enhances the performance of the body, reduces risks factors for many diseases and improves the quality of life expectancy. We will avoid the feeling of exhaustion or fatigue and the energy levels will rise, we will also reduce stress to a minimum with moderate daily workout.

The Spa of the Miguel Angel Hotel by Bluebay offers companies the #CorporateWellbeing: a complete plan of exercise and nutrition, with a personal and controlled follow-up for those employees who wish to exercise regularly and improve their level of work and personal life. It has been proven that employees who exercise daily and also take care of their diet are happier, they improve the execution of their daily work activities and they can contribute to building better working relationships.

They have developed a unique scientist tailor-made method in order to offer the most personalized treatment, which has revolutionised the circle of total wellness. A detailed study helped the Spa qualified professionals to have the necessary information to achieve the best result and recommend each member the ideal solution to their body and mind needs. The Fitness Profile is the starting point and the key to success of the Spa.


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