The city of Malaga will host the VI edition of eCongress Málaga, the benchmark event for professionals using new technologies for sales and marketing that covers everything related to E-commerce, social networks and digital marketing. The success of the first five editions, which were attended by 80 professionals and more than 2000 attendees, has consolidated it as the main event in this field in the south of Europe.
eCongress Málaga combines training sessions with the possibilities of doing business. The highlights of the event are the 12 speakers who will give conferences. There will also be four free training workshops for the attendees focused on E-commerce, Instagram, Neuroproductivity, Social Listening and Social Analytics. Furthermore, it’s important to highlight the exhibition space for companies, where you’ll find leading companies, and it’s free to visit.
Finally, there will be time for Networking to open up new business opportunities and enjoy the traditional Malaga Victoria beer. The Networking event will be held in the Stands Area with Raiola Networks, Easypromos, Promálaga, Turismo Andaluz, Teamleader, rankingCoach, ICEX, Cool Tabs, PymeLegal, Webtrekk, Unicaja, Bussor and Fruzzel.
The following professionals will speak at the conferences:
- María Gómez del Pozuelo (Womenalia)
- Marta Gui (Wallapop)
- Manuel Florido (Marketing and Web School)
- Miguel Ángel Trabado (Henkel)
- Javier Abrego (Tweet Binder)
- Bruno Moioli (Emotional Intelligence & Leadership)
- Mireia Prieto (
- Jordi Ubea (Ogilvy)
- Javier Hernández Racionero (Iberia Express)
- Claudio Inacio (Personal Brand & Social Media Consultant)
- Rafael Fuentes (ICEX)
- Keka Sánchez (Online Reputation)
The eCongress takes place on May 26th 2018 at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga with a capacity for 600 people. Victoria Kent train staion is just a few minutes from the congress center, which is also situated beside the motorway.
Would you like to keep up with the latest developments and learn with the best professionals?
Then the VI eCongress Málaga is the place to be.
Get your tickets for the event on