Capoeira, Cultural heritage


UNESCO has awarded the title for “the representation of Brazilian identity, history and tradition”

The Capoeira Circle was inscribed in the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), recognizing capoeira as “a representation of Brazilian identity, history and tradition, as well as giving it a status and ethical values to the practice of this martial art. “

Capoeira combines martial art, dance and sport and is performed by two players, or combatants, who dance on their hands and feet. The movement’s origins can be traced back to African slaves, who used the practice to keep alive their fighting skills under the guise of dance.

Vicente Neto, president of the Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur), emphasized that this nomination “is a great victory for the Brazilian culture, to the recognition of the Capoeira Circle as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO promotes and presents to the world the diversity of country. Brazil is compound by different ethnic groups, and we hope that foreign tourists could appreciate the value African’s roots with capoeira “.

Thanks to this recognition, the Capoeira Circle joins together t Samba de Roda do Recôncavo from Bahia, al Arte Kusiwa-Pintura Corporal from Amapa, Frevo from Pernambuco and Círio de Nazaré from Pará, also declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.


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