Five books guaranteed to give you the travel bug


We’ve picked a selection of titles that will awaken your inner traveller – and give you an irresistible urge to see the world.

Wild, Cheryl Strayed.

A story based on the author’s own experiences, when at the age of 26  she set out on a solo 2000km hike from Mexico to Canada, hoping to put family tragedy behind her. A journey of initiation along the mountainous Pacific Crest Trail, which follows the west coast of the U.S.A. It’s a raw, moving memoir, tempered by the author’s sense of humour and moments of great tenderness.

Into the wild, Jon Krakauer

Best-selling author, journalist, and mountaineer Jon Krakauer retraces the steps of Christopher McCandless to tell the inspiring story of his short life. A young man who seemed to have it all, he broke with everything he knew to set out in search of the secret of human existence. It’s a gripping tale that follows his journey across America, and his four-month fight to survive in the harsh tundra of Alaska.

El último explorador: La vida del legendario Wilfred Thesiger, Manuel Leguineche.

Wilfred Thesiger was the last great English explorer. His life story was one of adventure and self-discovery, and this book will have you stuffing spare clothes into a rucksack, ready to explore the far-flung places it describes. All in the prose of Manel Leguineche, one of Spain’s great foreign correspondents and travel writers.

Los últimos perros de Shackelton, Ben Clark.

A brilliant poetic homage to the famous arctic explorer, written by a talented young Spanish writer of British descent. An ode to everyone who has ever dreamed of setting out to escape — whether to a desert island, New York, Lapland or Sebastopol. When the act of travelling begins on the ground, on a balcony or in a hotel room, in the imagination. An inspiring text to stir the adventurer that lurks inside everyone’s unconscious mind.

Travels with Herodotus, Ryszard Kapuscinski.

An extraordinary voyage of discovery through India and China in the 1950s, on some of the first journeys undertaken by the internationally-renowned journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski , one of the twentieth century’s most influential travel writers, as well as a historian, essayist, and poet. Essential reading if you dream of travelling in the region, and want to immerse yourself in its culture and traditions.


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