Making predictions about what will be fashionable or used massively in technology this year is a very complicated business. Not even the most brainy experts agree. We are able, however, to unveil some trends and developments that will primarily be oriented toward virtual reality, connectivity and data access from virtually anywhere.
Each year since the mid-nineties, is supposed to bring the moment that will produce the boom of virtual reality. An explosion that has never come to being … Companies like Sony, Oculus or HTC have already stated that in 2016, they will undertake major commercial launches with virtual reality related products. And besides these large firms, other great monsters of the sector are focusing all their attention on significant investments to revitalize this industry, so it seems that this may finally be the breakthrough year.
Research in fields related to industrial or sanitary applications seems to be leading to the final landing of this technology. The entertainment industry, especially video games, also aims high with this technology with disbursements in development of fairly significant products.
Apart from more abstract initiatives by some smartphone manufacturers, we already have on the table more specific examples like Google designs for building virtual reality goggles with inexpensive materials, or the giant Kellog’s which has already experimented with the inclusion of VR goggles in cereal boxes in New Zealand markets.
In the field of video games, several developments are taking place. For instance, an increased interest in services enabling multiplayer platforms is expected, something that has prompted corporations like Telefonica Spain to launch its own brand of smart TVs with technology suitable for this purpose.
As regards video consoles, the new Nintendo NX will be released this 2016. It will be a hybrid equipment that will allow conventional and innovative use through games hosted in the cloud that Nintendo will create for this device.
Interest in e-sports will continue booming and events of this kind will be multiplied worldwide. Examples like Gfinity London in 2015, which exceeded 30 million viewers around the world, will be a common trend with exorbitant amounts for winning players.
Surely you’ve seen one on Facebook or Youtube … The spots and trailers in 360 degree format. This year, there will be no superproduction that will not use this format offering an experience that connects with virtual reality technologies. The box office megahit “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is the example that will set the tone. Its promotional material has been consumed with this new technology.
Watch out, as you will start seeing smartphones that break the mold of the rectangular. Developers such as Sharp have already developed the necessary technologies to end this limitation in the design and functionality when it comes to carry and use.
Other interesting aspects we will be experiencing include the internet segmentation. The welter of classical information will be passed to a “niche” network. We will witness the consolidation of such internet areas as sports, health, agriculture, etc.
The technology world rumor has it that Apple will acquire Dropbox to extend its iCloud services or that Blackberry will buy OneLogin to strengthen its offer in mobility and security in data transmission. Finally, we should note that Mobilron, one of the last giants providers of data management services on mobile platforms or clouds, has several girlfriends as Cisco System, Microsorf or Intel Security.